December 22, 2023

Game drive safaris in Uganda

Game drive safaris in Uganda Embarking on a wildlife safari experience in Uganda is truly a once-in-a-lifetime adventure. To fully immerse yourself in the stunning natural beauty of this country, Game drive safaris in Uganda […]
July 21, 2020

Sipi Falls Activities, How to get there & Accommodation

Sipi Falls Activities, How to get there & Accommodation The Sipi Falls is a series of three waterfalls located in Uganda’s eastern district of Kapchorwa at the edge of Mount Elgon National Park. Of the […]
June 15, 2020

Uganda Travel Advice

February 11, 2020

Mountain Elgon National Park

Mountain Elgon National Park Mountain Elgon National Park is the home of the famous extinct volcanic mountain commonly known as Mountain Elgon which stands at a height of 4321 meters. This mountain gets its name […]
January 31, 2020

Things to consider while choosing a Uganda safari

Things to consider while choosing a Uganda safari Things to consider while choosing a Uganda safari isn’t any difficult due to the many customized safari itineraries on the internet. However, it could be daunting to choose […]
January 20, 2020

Uganda Travel Tips – Most Important information for safari

Uganda Travel Tips – Most Important information for safari Uganda is one of the most affordable countries to visit in Africa and therefore to have a great trip, here are the most important travel tips […]
January 10, 2020

Uganda Features on the New York Times 52 Places to Go in 2020

Uganda Features on the New York Times 52 Places to Go in 2020 Popular American Newspaper, New York Times published its 52 places to visit in 2020 and Uganda made it to the list. Listed […]