When is the best time to go gorilla trekking? – Perfect time to see gorillas in Uganda & Rwanda 

Trekking to see mountain gorillas on customized gorilla safari tours offers a thrilling and transformative experience where you get the opportunity to encounter the elusive mountain gorillas in their natural habitat. We have been organizing gorilla tours in Uganda, Rwanda, and D. R Congo for the past two decades but one of the most frequently asked questions by most travelers is When is the best time to go gorilla trekking? before we delve into this topic, let us first understand what gorilla trekking means and what it entails.

Mountain gorilla trekking is a wildlife safari activity that involves hiking and navigating through thick tropical rainforests to observe mountain gorillas. Mountain gorillas are an endangered primate species with a few thousand left in the world. Tacking to see these magnificent creatures is one of the best safari experience in Africa – most travelers even rate it over wildlife safaris to see the African Big Five (lion, leopard, rhino, buffalo, and elephant).

Understanding the best time for gorilla trekking will not only ensure high chances of sighting gorillas on your gorilla trekking safari tour but also makes your whole adventure a memorable one since all the ideal things like weather, accessibility, and sightseeing opportunities are at their best. Although there has been debate on  When is the best time to go gorilla trekking in Uganda and Rwanda through different platforms by experts and past travelers, it is important to know that mountain gorilla trekking can be done all year.

That said, it is also important to keep in mind that some months of the year may offer the best conditions favorable for a gorilla trekking safari tour. Therefore when planning your gorilla holiday tour to Uganda or Rwanda, it is advisable to consider your timing so that you can experience the best of your gorilla trekking trip. This complete guide is designed to help you understand When is the best time to go gorilla trekking?


Gorilla Trekking Seasons – Gorilla trekking in Uganda & Rwanda

Different months of the year offer different gorilla trekking opportunities in both Uganda and Rwanda. When you are planning your Gorilla trekking tour holiday, understanding different gorilla trekking seasons will help you make an informed decision on your final dates of gorilla trekking. East Africa in General receives two seasons and that is the dry season and the wet season. Both seasons are associated with advantages and disadvantages when it comes to gorilla trekking in Uganda and Rwanda. It is from these seasons that gorilla trekking seasons are derived based on the conditions offered by each.

When is the best time to go gorilla trekking? The best time to visit Uganda and Rwanda for gorilla trekking is during the long dry season between June and October. That said, let us delve deep into different gorilla trekking seasons.

Peak gorilla trekking season (long dry season) – The best month to go gorilla trekking in Uganda and Rwanda

The peak gorilla trekking season (Ideal gorilla trekking season) is also the best season to go for mountain gorilla trekking tours. Be it Rwanda or Uganda, the peak season offers the best mountain gorilla trekking conditions from weather, accessibility and visibility in the forest. The gorilla trekking peak season starts in June and ends in September. These month are also dry month of the year in both Rwanda and Uganda and gorilla trekking safaris are much more possible during these month.

During this long dry season (June to October) which is also the peak season for gorilla trekking in Uganda and Rwanda, all the gorilla trekking locations tend to receive little showers making trekking in the forest much more easier with dry grounds. The dry season also sees most plants drop their leaves and making visibility in the forests more clear to trekkers. Trekking mountain gorillas during this season guarantees high success and easy trek in the forest compared to the wet season when there are heavy downpours and slippery trails in the park. If you are wondering When is the best season to go gorilla trekking? The best season to go gorilla trekking is there for during the peak gorilla trekking season which runs from June to October.

Low gorilla trekking Season (wet season) – Gorilla trekking in the low season

Not all the seasons offer the same trekking conditions however, it is important to note that regardless of the season, you will still be satisfied with your gorilla trekking experience. The low season(off-peak gorilla trekking season) usually happens during the wet month of the year across all gorilla trekking locations in East Africa. Low season for gorilla trekking usually experiences heavy downpours in National Parks, making trekking more difficult and the trails more slippery. The low season usually runs from late February to May.

Although these months may not be the best for gorilla trekking, it is not true that you can not trek totally during these months. You can still embark on a gorilla safari during these low-season months and have a satisfying gorilla trekking experience both in Uganda and Rwanda. It is also important to know that during the off-peak gorilla trekking season, you will enjoy some benefits like reduced accommodation prices and less crowds in the park. This is also the best period to visit for those in love with photography since the lush greenery that comes with the rainy season creates stunning backgrounds for gorilla photography and filming.


Best months for gorilla trekking 


The month of June usually marks the start of the long dry season in Uganda and Rwanda. This month usually receives little precipitation as we gear up to the more dryer month of the year. During this month, all safari activities can be carried out in both Uganda and Rwanda. For those intrested in mountain gorilla trekking, late June can be a perfect time to go for your remarkable mountain gorilla safaris in Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, and Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park.


The month of July is a perfect one for those that wish to explore Uganda on Uganda Tours, wildlife safaris in Uganda, and Gorilla trekking safari tour holidays. The Average temperaturs during this month are usually between 16°C (61°F) and 26°C (79°F), making it ideal for safaris. All top gorilla trekking locations like Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Volcanoes National Park can be trekked during this month of the year.

August & September

Just like July, the months of August and September are perfect for gorilla trekking in Uganda and Rwanda. The average temperature during these month still remains 16°C (61°F) to 26°C (79°F) in Uganda and about 14°C (57°F) to 27°C (81°F) in Rwanda making it the best time to adventure the country. You can go gorilla trekking in Rwanda and Uganda during these month and also enjoy other top safaris activities in other national parks in these countries.


Early October is still a good for gorilla trekking. by the end of October, the short rainy season kicks in and some of the best gorilla trekking destinations like Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Volcanoes National Park start receiving heavy downpours. Although some may still trek during these months, trekking is generally challenging when there is a lot of rain.


Where to go for gorilla trekking in Africa – Best gorilla trekking destinations

Mountain Gorilla trekking can only be done in three countries in Africa including Uganda, Rwanda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Best gorilla trekking destinations include Uganda and Rwanda for their safety. There are four National Park that inhabit mountain gorillas in Africa and two of these national Parks are located in Uganda, making it a top gorilla trekking location for primate lovers. Although Rwanda is by far the most popular when it comes to mountain gorilla trekking, Uganda is not left so far when it comes to offering the best gorilla trekking experiences in Africa.

Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Parks are the two places where you can go gorilla trekking in Uganda. Bwindi in home to half of the remaining mountain gorilla population and has about 19 habituated gorilla families. Mgahinga however has only one habituated gorilla family and two unhabituated families. Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park on the other hand has about 10 habituated gorilla families.

Regardless of where you choose to go Gorilla trekking in Africa, this experience remains unrivaled since encountering these primates in the world is always unique each time you visit.

Book your gorilla trekking safari tour with Acacia Safaris Limited and experience unbeatable safari adventure in Uganda and Rwanda. Our incredible team will help you plan and customize your gorilla safari holiday to best fit your personal preference. Contact us today for gorilla trekking safaris.

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