30 Days Birding in Uganda Safari Highlights

This Classic 30 Days Birding Uganda Safari is an excellent birding safari package that is designed to suit both starters and seasoned birders. This safari package takes you to all the top birding sites in Uganda, focusing on different unique species found in these birding sites. The 30 Days Uganda Birding Safari starts with arrival in Uganda via Entebbe International Airport. This Birding tour will take you to top birding destinations across Uganda, some of the destinations you will visit include; Mabamba Wetland, Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, Ruhija, Mubwindi Swamp, Queen Elizabeth National Park, and Semuliki National Park among others.

The 30 Days Birding Uganda Safari focuses on Uganda’s unique birdlife, especially the Endemic Albertine species and the Fox’s weaver. This 30 days birdwatching tour will also allow you to spot iconic Uganda birdlife like the Shoebill stork, Grey crane, Papyrus gonolek, Black-faced barbet, red-faced barbet, white-backed night heron, and African broadbill among others.

The 30 Days Birding Uganda safaris is rewarding with excellent birdwatching experiences in Uganda. This classic 30 days tour with Acacia Safaris Limited allows you to explore the diverse bird habitat across Uganda including wetlands, savanna grasslands, woodlands, and tropical rainforests. You will adventure birding sites in various altitudes from high to low altitude areas teeming with large numbers of birdlife. This 30 days birding safari to Uganda will begin in the Lake Victoria Basin biome, home to about 10 species – while here expect to witness some iconic species like the shoebill stork.

From Lake Victoria, we will proceed to the Afro-montane and tropical Highland biome, home to more than 80 species including species like the Rwenzori Turaco, Rwenzori Nightjar, Dursky Crimsonwing, Archer’s Robin-chat, Handsome Francolin, Cinamon-chested bee-eater, Mountain masked Apalis, and African Hill Babbler among others. On this 30 Days birding safari in Uganda, we will also explore the Guinea-Congo biome, home to close to 150 species including white-throated Greenbul, Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird, African broadbill, Cassin’s Hawk- Eagle, Crested Guinea fowl, and the Nahan’s Francolin. We will proceed to explore the Somalia-Sudan biome, home to more than 22 Ugandan species. This tour will conclude with an exploration of the Somali-Masai biome, home to 32 species including Read throated Tit, Black-capped social Weaver, Red-billed Buffalo Weaver, Fischer’s Sparrow-Lark, Taita Fiscal and Rosy-patched Bushshrike among others.


Detailed Day by day 30 Days Birding Uganda Safari itinerary

Day 1: Arrival at Entebbe Airport for our 30 Days Birding Safari in Uganda

Arrive at Uganda’s Entebbe International Airport to start your classic 30 Days Birding Safari in Uganda. Upon arrival, you will be welcomed by our representative who will then transfer you to your booked accommodation within Entebbe Town.

You will arrive at your hotel and check in. Spend the rest of your day at the hotel relaxing. Dinner and overnight stay at the hotel.

Meals Included: Dinner

Day 2: Birding to Mabamba Wetland

Today following breakfast, you will depart your hotel in Entebbe and embark on a journey to Mabamba Wetland to start your birding safari in Uganda. The Mabamba Wetland is an IBA located on the western banks of Lake Victoria, one of the best birding sites in Uganda. The Mabamba Wetland is popular for Shoebill stork sightings however it boasts an array of several other bird species including;  Lesser Jacana, Purple Gallinule, Allen’s Gallinule, Slender-billed and Northern-brown Throated Weaver, the Common and Lesser Moorhen, the Papyrus Gonolek, the White-winged Warbler, the Glossy Ibis, and the African Pygmy-Goose among others. While in Mabamba, the must-see species is the elusive shoebill stork.

Your birding adventure at Mabamba is on a full day basis. Later in the late afternoon, you will transfer back to your hotel in Entebbe for relaxation, dinner and an overnight stay.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner


Day03: Proceed to Lake Mburo National Park

Wake up early in the morning and enjoy breakfast at your hotel in Entebbe. After breakfast, embark on a transfer to Lake Mburo National Park on a 4 hours drive through the scenic countryside. Arrive in Lake Mburo National Park and proceed to your booked lodge for a short rest and a lunch break. After lunch, embark on a birding expedition in this thrilling National Park.

Lake Mburo National Park is home to different bird species including; the Crested Francolin, Brown Parrot, Red-necked Spurfowl, Emerald-spotted Wood Dove, Temmincks Courser, Common Quails, Green Wood hooper, Blue-napped Mouse bird, Bare-faced Go-away Bird, African Grey Hornbill, Nubian Woodpecker, Trilling Cisticola, Lilac-breasted Roller, Coqui Francolin, Black-bellied Bust In the park’s fringe marshes, you can find rare papyrus species such the Papyrus Gonolek. While exploring this area, you will also come across Common Scimitarbill, Spot-flanked Barbet, Trilling Cisticola, Yellow-breasted Apalis, Northern Black Tit, Chin-spot Batis, Great Blue-eared Starling, and Marico Sunbird among others.

Dinner and overnight at your booked lodge in Lake Mburo National Park.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

Day 4: Birding in Lake Mburu and Transfer to Kisoro Via Echuya

Wake up early in the morning and embark on a morning birding experience on foot along the park trails with an armed ranger. After this morning session, return back to the lodge for breakfast. After breakfast embark on another birding experience on a safari car, allowing you to see birds and mammals like the Zebras, Impalas, Elands, Topis, Buffaloes, and Rothschild’s Giraffe among others. Being a birding expedition, we will focus our attention on searching for various bird species including; the Crested, Black Collared, and Red Faced Barbet, Coqui Francolin, Brown Chested Plover, Tabora Cisticola, Red Headed Weaver, Lesser-blue Eared Starling, Buff-bellied Warbler, Black Shouldered Cuckoo Shrike, Thick-billed Cuckoo, Sulphur-breasted Bush-shrike, and Green Capped Eremomela among others.

We will then drive out of the park and head to Kisoro. Along the way, we will keep an eye out for various bird species including; the Carruther’s Cisticola, African Stonechat, Papyrus Gonolek, White-winged Warbler, Papyrus Canary, Greater and Lesser Swamp Warbler, Highland Rush Warbler and the Papyrus Yellow Warbler among others.

We will stop at the Echuya Forest Reserve where we will have an introduction to a few Albertine Rift Endemics and high-altitude dwellers like the Dusky Crimsonwing, Red-faced Woodland Warbler, Rwenzori Apalis and Batis, Strange Weaver, Black Faced Apalis, the Rockefeller’s like looking Regal Sunbird, and the Handsome Francolin among others. After your birding experience here, proceed to your hotel in Kisoro Town.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner


Day 5: Whole Day Birding in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

Wake up early in the morning and drive to Ntebeko head trail for a birding expedition. Although Mgahinga is popular for its endangered mountain gorillas, it is also a hotspot for bird life. Bird watching in Mgahinga is a thrilling experience for ornithologists. It is rich in rare species, such as the Rwenzori turaco, Rwenzori double-collared sunbird, black-headed waxbill, white-tailed crested flycatcher, dusky and Shelley’s crimsonwing, brown wood warbler, kivu ground.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner


Day 6: Early Morning Transfer to Ruhija Birding

Wake up early in the morning and enjoy breakfast. After breakfast, proceed with a birding experience before you transfer to Ruhija. Along the way, look out for species like; the Archer’s Robin-Chat, Stripe-breasted Tit, Rwenzori Batis, Black-faced Apalis, White-napped Raven, and Black-crowned Waxbill. Arrive in Bwindi for your next birding experience. According to the African Birding Club, Bwindi is the top birding destination in Africa since it is home to more than 23 species that are found only in the Albertine Rift. Among these species are; the Black-billed Turaco, Fine-banded Woodpecker, African Green-Broadbill, Western Green Tinkerbird, Mountain Greenbul, Rwenzori Hill Babbler, Mountain Illadopsis, Yellow-eyed Black Flycatcher, Grauer’s Rush, and many more.

You will enjoy spotting these species during your birding adventure in the Ruhija sector. You will later return to the lodge for dinner and an overnight stay.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner


Day 7 & 8: Birding Safari to Mubwindi Swamp and Gorilla Trekking in Bwindi Forest

Today you will explore the Mubwindi Swamp. Following an early morning breakfast, depart for Mubwindi Swamp, popular for its impressive population of the Albertine endemics. Among the species that you will encounter here is the African Green Broadbill, the beautiful Regal Sunbird, Dwarf Honeyguide, Stripe-breasted Tit, Strange Weaver, Rwenzori Batis, Grauer’s Rush Warbler, Purple-breasted, Blue-headed and Regal Sunbird, Black Headed Waxbill, and African Hill Babbler, Fraser’s Eagle-Owl, Northern Double Collared, Eastern Olive and Collared Sunbird, and many other species.

For those who wish to witness the endangered mountain gorillas, this is a great opportunity to enjoy trekking them. Trekking to see mountain gorillas in Bwindi is such a top experience that takes you deep into the forest where these gentle giants reside. Trekking requires a gorilla permit which we can help you to book from the Uganda Wildlife Authority.

For those not interested in gorilla trekking, you will be visiting Ruhija for another birding experience. You will have another opportunity to witness the abundant birdlife in the area.

Dinner and overnight at your booked safari lodge.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner


Day 9: Transfer to Buhoma for birding

Today you will Visit the Buhoma Sector for a thrilling birding experience. Following breakfast, depart your lodge and head to Buhoma for bird watching. Among the species that you are likely to encounter are the Fine-banded Woodpecker, Cassine’s Flycatcher, African Black Duck and Mountain Wagtail, Chin-spot Batis, Black-billed Turacco, Dwarf Honeyguide, Shelley’s, Ansorge’s, Little, Red-tailed, Cabanis’s, Slender Billed and Toro Olive, Little Grey Greenbul, expect Bee-eaters including Black Bee-eater and Cinnamon-chested, and Western Bronze-naped Pigeon among other species.

Adventure the Buhoma sector while enjoying incredible sightings. You will be spending more than two nights in this area, allowing for more opportunities to enjoy bird watching.

Dinner and overnight stay at your booked safari lodge.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner


Day 10 & 11: Birding Buhoma and transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park

For day 10 of this 30 Days Birding Safari Uganda, you will still explore the Buhoma sector of Bwindi to have more bird sightseeing opportunities. Have breakfast at your lodge and embark on a birding expedition on the lower side of Bwindi where we will spot the elusive Bar-tailed Trogon, White-headed Wood-hoopoe, and Black Bee-Eater. Chapin’s Flycatcher, Equatorial Akalat, White-bellied Robin-Chat, Red-throated Alethe, Red-faced Woodland Warbler, Fine-banded, Elliot’s, and Buff-spotted Woodpecker, Blue Headed, and the Blue Throated among other bird species. After your morning adventure, return to the lodge for lunch and after embark on another birding experience in the afternoon.

On day 11 of this 30 Days Birding in Uganda, you will enjoy a transfer to Uganda’s Queen Elizabeth National Park. The journey from Bwindi to Queen Elizabeth National Park is about 5 hours. The journey is thrilling as you will enjoy the scenic views of the countryside.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner


Day 12&13: Whole Day Birding in Queen Elizabeth National Park

Today you will be exploring the second largest protected area in Uganda, Queen Elizabeth National Park – home to about 600 different bird species. Wake up early in the morning and enjoy a morning wildlife drive through the park that allows you plenty of opportunities to spot both wildlife and birdlife in the park. Visit the Kazinga Channel, a popular hotspot for numerous wildlife species and birdlife. Enjoy your adventure in the park.

In the late afternoon, you’ll set sail in the Kazinga Channel for an adventurous boat ride – allowing for both wildlife viewing and birdwatching opportunities. You will spot schools of hippos and a number of water birds. You will have plenty of photography opportunities for both wildlife and birdlife.  Among the species that you will encounter here are; the African Skimmer, African Spoonbill, Striated Heron, Water Thick-knee, Marsh, Green, Three-banded Plover, Wood and Common Sandpiper, Lesser Black Backed and Gray-headed Gull, White-winged Black and Whiskered Tern, Plain Martin, Wire-tailed Swallow, Lesser Swamp-Warbler, Terek Sandpiper most of which are winter visitors. Later return to your lodge for dinner and an overnight stay.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner


Day 14: Transfer to Semuliki National Park Birding on the way

Today following breakfast, depart your lodge and embark on a transfer to Semuliki National Park. Arrive in Semuliki in time for lunch and proceed to your lodge, check into the lodge, and have lunch. Spend the rest of the evening birding in the Sempaya area and along the main road. Among the species you will see is the; Red-billed Dwarf, Piping and Black Wattled Casqued Hornbill pairs, a Blue-breasted Kingfisher, a Western Bronze-napped Pigeon, a Long-tailed Hawk, a Rameron, and the rare White-napped Pigeon among others.

Dinner and overnight at your Lodge.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

Day 15: Whole Day Birding in Semuliki National Park and the environs

Today you will be spending your day birding in Semuliki National Park. Semuliki is one of the best birding destinations in Uganda. You will have the opportunity to witness several endemic species such as; the Hartlaub’s duck, the white-vented Chestnut-flanked Goshawk, the Congo Serpent Eagle, the Yellow-throated Green Cuckoo, the extraordinarily large Long-tailed Hawk, Nkurengu Rail, Black-billed Dwarf, White-cre Kingfishers, African Dwarf, Chocolate-backed, White-bellied, Red-rumped Tinkerbird, Spotted Honeyguide, Lyre-tailed Honeyguide, Zenker’s Honeyguide, African Piculet, Gabon Woodpecker, Rufous-sided Broadbill, and White-throated Blue Swallow.

You will also see the Green-tailed Bristlebill, Lemon-bellied Crombec, the Rufous-crowned Eremomela, Eastern Bearded Greenbul, Yellow-throated Nicator, Capuchin Babbler, Northern Bearded Scrub Robin, Grey ground Thrush, and the Rufous-crowned Eremomela among others.

Dinner and overnight at your lodge.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner


Day 16: Transfer to Kibale Forest

Today following an early morning breakfast at your lodge, you will depart your lodge for Kibale Forest. You will enjoy birding on the way to Kibale. Kibale Forest National Park is a full day’s journey away. Arrive in Kibale in the late afternoon and proceed to your booked safari lodge for relaxation, dinner, and an overnight stay.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner


Day 17 & 18: Whole Day Hardcore Birding and Chimp Tracking in Kibale Forest National Park

For the next two days of this tour, you will have both birding and chimpanzee trekking opportunities in Kibale National Park. On Days 17, you will embark on a birding tour in Kibale forest where you are likely to encounter noisy flocks of birds including species like; Leaf-love, Swamp Palm Bulbul, Red-billed Dwarf Hornbill, Ross’s and White-crested Turaco, Cabanis’s Bunting, Orange-winged and Red-winged Pytilia, African Reed Warbler, Brown Babbler, Whistling Cisticola, Long-crested and Brown Snake-Eagle among others.

On Day 18 of this 30 Days Birding Uganda Safari, you will have an optional chimpanzee trekking opportunity in Kibale National Park. Just like mountain gorilla trekking, chimpanzee trekking is a remarkable experience that you can enjoy during this 30 days tour in Uganda.

For those who are not interested in chimpanzee trekking, you will enjoy another thrilling birding adventure in the forest to search for more bird species.

Dinner and overnight stay at your lodge.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

Day 19: Visit Masindi for bird watching

Wake up and have breakfast at your lodge. After breakfast, depart for Masindi. Arrive in Masindi and embark on a thrilling birding eaxprince in some of the unique birding areas, Look out for species likethe Buff-throated and Masked Apalis, the Yellow Mantled and Forest Weaver, the Olive and Ducky Long-tailed Cuckoo, the Joyful Greenbul, the Afep Pigeon, and the African Black Duck while also keeping an eye out The Whistling and Singing Cisticola, Brown Twinspot, Grey-headed Oliveback, Western-violet Backed Sunbird, White-thighed Hornbill, and Yellow-mantled Widowbird among others.

You will be spending a night at Masindi at your booked hotel within Masindi Town.


Day 20: Birding in Budongo Forest

Following breakfast, depart Masindi for Budongo Forest in Murchison Falls National Park. Kwon for its impressive wildlife and birdlife, Budongo forest is a great birding destination. Arrive in Budongo and proceed with your birding tour. While here, look out for species like the Blue-breasted, African Dwarf, Chocolate-backed Kingfishers, Brown-eared and Yellow-crested Woodpecker, Dusky long-tailed Cuckoo, Crowned Eagle, Forest and Chestnut Capped Flycatcher, Rufous Flycatcher-Thrush, Yellow-browed Camaroptera, the Narina Trogon, Chestnut-capped Flycatcher, and Chestnut-crowned Eremomera among others.

Late in the Afternoon, drive to your booked lodge for relaxation, dinner and an overnight stay.


Day 21: Birding to Northern Murchison Falls

Today you will be venturing into the famous Murchison Falls National Park for your next birding adventure. Visit the northern part of the park for great bird watching opportunities. Your adventure here will take you to Busingiro to the cliffside or Kaniyo Pabid for opportunities to spot Puvel’s Illadopsis.  You will be spending your night at Pakuba Lodge Limited similar and look out for birds such the Foxy Cisticola, Grey-headed Bush Shrike, Grey-headed Oliveback, Red Winged Pytilia, Black-bellied Firefinch, and Lesser-masked Weaver. Tonight you will explore the park for opportunities to spot the and other nocturnal mammals.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

Day 22: Birding in Murchison Falls National Park

Today, you will still spend your day exploring Murchison Falls National Park for more Birding opportunities. Expect to encounter various bird species including Buff-bellied Warbler, Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird, Bar-breasted Firefinch, Red-winged Grey Warbler, Spotted Morning-Thrush, Marabou Stork, Red-throated Bee-eater, Silver Bird, Beautiful Sunbird, Black-headed Gonolek, Speckle-fronted Weaver, Golden-backed Weaver and White-rumped Seedeater among others.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner


Day 23: Transfer to Kidepo Valley National Park

Today, you will transfer to Kidepo Valle National Park in the far northeastern part of the country. The journey from Murchison Falls National Park to Kidepo Valley National Park is a long journey that is rewarding. You will drive to Kidepo Valle National Park and arrive in the late afternoon. Proceed with a drive to your booked lodge where you will have relaxation, dinner, and an overnight stay.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

Day 24 & 25: Kidepo Exclusive Birding and Wildlife Adventure

For the following two day, you will explore various birding sites in Kidepo Valley National Park to spot its abundant and unique bird species. Have breakfast and embark on a birding tour, exploring various areas in the park. Drive to Kanangorok Hot Springs and combine your exploration of the Narus River Valley. After lunch, you can embark on an optional cultural tour or just continue with a game drive through the park.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner


Day 26: Birding to Moroto Via Matheniko & Bokora

Today following breakfast, you will depart your lodge and drive to Moroto while enjoying watching various birds along the way. Among the species that you will encounter are; the Abyssinian Ground Hornbill, Golden-breasted Starling, Black-headed Gonolek, Red-winged Lark, Northern Carmine Bee-eater, Pygmy Falcon, Eastern Chanting Goshawk, Eastern Paradise-Whydah, White-headed Buffalo Weaver, Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse, Red-and-yellow Barbet, Fox Kestrel, Black-headed Lapwing, White-bellied Bustard, and the Grey-crowned Crane among others.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

Day 27: Birding at Pian Upe

Today you will be exploring the Unique Pian Upe Game reserve for opportunities to spot different birdlife. This is known for species like endemic Karamoja Apalis, Abyssinian Ground, Secretary Bird, Northern Carmine Bee-eater, Red-throated Wryneck, Eastern Chanting Goshawk, Pygmy Falcon, White-headed Buffalo Weaver, Eastern Paradise-Whydah, Golden-winged Sunbird, Black-headed Lapwing, Black-bellied Bustard, Double-spurred Francolin, Yellow-necked Spurfowl, and the African Grey Hornbill among others.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

Day 28: Birding Pian Upe and Transfer to Mount Elgon

Today you will wake up early in the morning and enjoy a birding experience in Pian Upe before you transfer to Mount Elgon. Wake up and drive through the Pian Upe Game Reserve for opportunities to spot a number of bird species. After your morning birding adventure, return to your lodge for breakfast.

After breakfast, you will be transferred to Mount Elgon National Park for your next adventure. Arrive in the late afternoon and check in at your lodge.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

Day 29: Birding in Mount Elgon National Park

Mount Elgon National Park is one of the ten National Parks in Uganda, popular for its mountain climbing adventures and nature walks. It is home to both wildlife and birdlife besides hosting the second-highest mountain in Uganda, Mountain Elgon. Among the bird species that you can see in this area are the, Jackson’s Francolin,, Hartlaub’s Turaco, Moustached Green Tinkerbird, Bar-tailed Trogon, African Blue Flycatcher, Abyssinian Ground Thrush, Eastern Bronze-naped Pigeon, Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater, Mountain, Yellow Warbler, and the African Hill Babbler among others.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

Day 30: Transfer back to Entebbe

Today following breakfast at leisure from your lodge, depart and embark on a drive back to Entebbe where this 30 Days Birding Uganda ends. Along the way, you will also have plenty of opportunities to spot a number of bird species. Arrive at Entebbe in the late afternoon, and drop off at your preferred point (Airport or Hotel).

Meals Included: Breakfast & Lunch

End of 30 Days Birding Uganda Safari

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