Are there any health precautions I should take before gorilla trekking? – General Gorilla trekking health requirements for trekkers

Mountain gorilla trekking safaris offer the rare opportunity to encounter endangered mountain gorillas in the wild. Gorillas are found in three East African countries; Uganda, Rwanda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Acacia Safaris Limited has been organizing gorilla Safari tours to Africa for the past 2 decades and one of the questions we have been asked frequently by our clients is ‘‘Are there any health precautions I should take before gorilla trekking? ‘’ Yes, there are advisable health precautions to take before embarking on your gorilla trekking tour in Africa.

Traveling 7,000 miles away from home means you will not be able to access your personal medical practitioner or personal doctor. It is therefore important to take some health precautions such as making general medical check before embarking on your journey to Africa to witness the endangered mountain gorillas in the wild. Are there any health precautions I should take before gorilla trekking? Not only gorilla trekking but all African safaris have recommended medical precautions that you must take to enhance your experience and also stay safe during safaris.

Since at Acacia Safaris Limited, we prioritize the safety of our clients, this general health precaution for gorilla trekking guide is designed to equip you with the necessary information including; essential health requirements for gorilla trekking, health guidelines for gorilla trekking, and physical fitness information that will ensure you’re well-prepared for an extraordinary encounter with mountain gorillas in Uganda or Rwanda. Enjoy reading through this well revised article for a comprehensive understanding of gorilla trekking health precautions and other information.


What are the different health precautions for gorilla trekking? – Best Health precautions to take before and during Gorilla Trekking

  1. Do a pre-trek health assessment

Before you embark on your journey to Uganda or Rwanda for a gorilla trekking safari holiday, we recommend you do a pre trek health assessment. Consult your Doctor and discuss travel plans in case you have any health conditions of concern. Since you will be traveling several miles away from home, you won’t have your medical practitioner with you and thus it is necessary to seek advice on your condition and knowledge about how to handle the situation incase it gets out of hand.

For those with no health concerns and are in good health currently, all you need is to get on the plane and fly to Africa for a gorilla trekking adventure. During your discussion with your doctor or medical practitioner, seek advice on various vaccinations that may be necessary in the country you are flying to, knowledge about the health risks of the trek and also the level of medical preparedness you need to have a successful gorilla trekking safari in Uganda or Rwanda.

During this time, asses your physical Fitness levels which is also a prerequisite for Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda and Uganda. It is important to keep in mind that gorilla trekking takes place in dense tropical rainforests in Africa with rugged terrains. Gorilla trekking in Rwanda and Uganda generally involve hiking and navigating through thick forests with thick undergrowth to search for the endangered mountain gorillas. To enjoy and successfully complete the trek, you require a moderate level of physical fitness.

  1. Acquire Recommended Vaccinations and Preventive Medications

While traveling to Uganda and Rwanda for a gorilla trekking safari, acquire the recommended vaccinations and preventive medication to prevent yourself from catching any kind of illness during safaris. Unlike Europe and America, Africa is fond of terrible diseases like tetanus, diphtheria, and measles which we recommend vaccinating against before your safari holiday tour to see gorillas. Other things that you may need to be keen about during your gorilla trekking safari holiday is the famous Malaria.

Once again mountain gorillas live deep in the dense tropical rain forests where there are a lot of mosquitos. To prevent yourself from Malaria, carry malaria prevention medications. Discuss various antimalaria medications with your doctor before traveling and choose the one that best suits your case. Many travelers to Africa however mostly use preventive measures like insect repellent and wearing protective clothing that covers most parts of their body.

Know about the Altitude

The Mountain Gorilla habitats are found in areas of high altitude with rugged terrains that are generally challenging to climb. Before you embark on your gorilla trekking journey to Uganda for a remarkable gorilla trekking experience, it is important to know about the gorilla habitat. Although gorilla trekking destinations like Bwindi Impenetrable Forest and Volcanoes National Park are not extremely high, it is important to keep in mind that high altitude can pose a great challenge to visitors.

If you are not used to high altitude, you might suffer from altitude sickness. The major symptoms of the altitude sickness include headaches, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, and shortness of breath. Travelers are in most cases advised to consider traveling to the gorilla trekking location a day before the actual day of gorilla trekking so that they can acclimatize.


Health Screening  at the Visitors Center

Although this entirely isn’t supposed to be done by the visitor, park officials usually conduct health screening at the visitor centers before you embark on a trek in the forest. This is aimed at protecting both the gorillas and trekkers.

The health screening may include temperature checks, and those exhibiting signs of illness may be restricted from trekking to prevent the transmission of diseases to the gorillas. Before embarking on a gorilla trekking experience, it is advised to disclose any health concerns or recent illnesses during the screening process for better advice by the park officials.


Acquire Travel Insurance prior to the trek

Just like all other African safaris like wildlife safaris and others, you are recommended to obtain comprehensive travel insurance. Just all you expect from Africa is just anticipated, it is important to take precautions on the unforeseen conditions during the safari. It is greatly advised to acquire an insurance that covers medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and evacuation in case of unforeseen circumstances. While choosing your insurance, make sure it includes activities like gorilla trekking.


Gorilla Trekking Health Packing list

When traveling to Africa for a safari holiday tour to see the endangered mountain gorillas, there are some basic health precaution items that you should consider including in your gorilla trekking parking list. Your medical kit for your gorilla trekking safari should have items like; insect repellent, sunscreen, personal medications, and basic first aid supplies.

Gorilla trekking rules and guidelines – Heals guidelines for trekking mountain gorillas

Do not touch gorillas

Respect the minimum distance of about 7 meters from the gorillas

Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing

Do not spit on the leaves

Wash your hands before gorilla trekking

Wear clean clothes for every trek

Do not feed gorillas

Plan your dream African safari with Acacia Safaris Limited and experience a remarkable adventure in Africa. Contact us today and unleash your inner exploration as you discover the untamed African wilderness.

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