How many gorilla families are available for trekking in Uganda?

How many gorilla families are available for trekking in Uganda? Uganda is home to 20 habituated mountain gorilla families available for trekking. This habituated mountain gorilla families in Uganda can be found in two National Parks located in the southwestern part of the country; Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable National Park hosts more than half of the remaining mountain gorilla population with up to 19 habituated mountain gorilla families. The habituated mountain gorilla families in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park are spread across four gorilla trekking sectors; Buhoma, Ruhija, Rushaga, and Nkuringo.

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park on the other hand only has one habituated mountain gorilla family which is available for trekking all year round. The Habituated Gorilla family in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park is known as the Nyakagezi Gorilla Family. The Nyakagezi Gorilla Family in the past was unpredictable and sometimes moved to the neighbouring National Parks in Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. However, it has been a while since this group migrated and you are guaranteed to sight it during your gorilla trekking safari holiday to Uganda. If you are still wondering ‘How many gorilla families are available for trekking in Uganda?’ There are about 20 habituated gorilla families available for trekking in Uganda.

How many gorilla families are there in Uganda? – Habituated gorilla Families in Uganda

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park – Habituated mountain gorilla Families in Bwindi

Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable National Park has the highest number of habituated mountain gorilla families, 19 families. What are the habituated gorilla families in Uganda? Habituated gorilla families are gorilla groups that have been put under a habituation process, making them accustomed to human presence. The Habituation experience is a process of introducing gorillas to human presence. Habituation lasts for many years (about 5 years) before a gorilla family is opened for gorilla trekking to visitors. How many habituated gorilla families are in Bwindi? Bwindi has 19 habituated gorilla families that reside in four gorilla trekking sectors (Nkuringo, Buhoma, Ruhija, and Rushaga) within the Park. How many gorilla families are available for trekking in Uganda? Here are different sectors in Bwindi and their gorilla families;

Buhoma Sector – Habituated gorilla families in Buhoma sector of Bwindi

The Buhoma Gorilla Sector is located in the northern part of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. This sector is relatively accessible compared to other sectors in the park, about 1-2 hour drive from Kisoro Town. Buhoma became a prominent area for gorilla tourism in the 1990s and early 2000s because of its gorilla families. Buhoma is renowned for its lush, dense forest and rich birdlife, making it a superb destination for both gorilla trekking and bird watching in Bwindi.

  1. Mubare Gorilla Group

The Mubare Gorilla family is one of the oldest habituated gorilla family found in Bwindi’s Buhoma Sector. Its habituation started in the early 1991 and by 13th October 1993, it was fully habituated and opened for gorilla trekking. The group was named Mubare, a local word used to refer to ‘‘the places with many stone.’’ It was named so because the firt time this family was sighted, they were in a place with so many stones.

The dominant male then. Ruhondeza played a significant role in the history of this gorilla group. There are about 9 members in this gorilla group including male adults,  juveniles, and adult females. This gorilla group used to dwell near the Buhoma Park headquarters however, occasionally they wonder deep in the forest. Trekking to see the Mubare Gorilla Group in Bwindi in possible all year round and guarantees excellent gorilla trekking experience.

  1. Habinyanja Gorilla Group

Located in the Buhoma Sector of Bwindi, The Habinyanja Gorilla Family is another popular habituated gorilla group in Bwindi. This gorilla group is made up of more members compared to the Mubare group, 18 members. Trekking to see this gorilla family usually takes about 5 hours to a full day in the forest. Although this group currently has about 18 members, the number is subject to change due to different factors such as death and birth and also adults may move to new families.

This group is named Habinyanja because it was first discovered near a swamp in the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. The Word ‘‘Nyanja’’ means water. This group gave birth to other new gorilla groups like the present Rushengura Family, which split from the Habinyanja Gorilla family. In order to trek this gorilla family in Bwindi, you need to book a gorilla permit for Buhoma Sector. We recommend planning your gorilla trekking safari in advance so as to avoid last minute hustles.

  1. Rushegura Gorilla Family

With up to 16 members, the Rushegura Gorilla Family is one of the large habituated gorilla families in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. This gorilla group is also located within the Buhoma Sector of Bwindi and usually takes less time to track. Tracking to see the Rushegura gorilla group may take up a few hours since they usually dwell near the park Headquarters.

Many travelers who wish to have a short trek are usually allocated the Rushegura Gorilla Family since it is commonly sighted around the park headquarters. Like so many other groups, this gorilla group split from the Habinyanja group.

  1. Katwe Gorilla Family

Also located in the Buhoma Sector, the Katwe Gorilla group is an exciting group to visit in Bwindi. This gorilla group was opened for tourism in 2018 and since then many visitors from all over the world have visited this group for remarkable mountain gorilla trekking adventure. This group is made up of one dominant silverback, 03 blackback, 04 adult females and 2 infants. Sometimes members in this group move in and out of the group and the numbers can be speculative. Trekking the Katwe gorilla group in Bwindi is however possible all year round and requires you to book a gorilla trekking permit for the Buhoma Sector of Bwindi.

Ruhija Sector 

The Ruhija Sector of Bwindi is located in the Eastern part of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, renowned for its incredible biodiversity and habituated mountain gorilla families in Bwindi. The Ruhija region is known for its lush montane forest and mountainous terrain. This sector is also a great place to visit for nature walks, hikes, and birding while in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in Uganda. There are different habituated gorilla families in the Ruhija Sector that you can trek during your visit to Bwindi.

  1. Oruzogo gorilla family

The Oruzogo gorilla family is one of the popular habituated gorilla families in Ruhija gorilla sector. This group is one of the largest gorilla families in the Park with up to 22 members in the group. The group is known for its playful juveniles and toddlers that exhibit unique energy that keep visitors entertained during safaris.

This group firs received visitors in 2011 and since then, thousands of travelers have visited the Oruzogo gorilla family in Bwindi and have all testified to have experienced unbeatable gorilla adventures in Bwindi. Trekking this gorilla family is not very strenuous however requires a moderate fitness level.

  1. Kyaguriro Gorilla Family

The Kyaguriro Gorilla family is also another large gorilla family in Ruhija with up to 20 members. Besides having a large number of individuals, this gorilla family is also renowned for its unique history. The Kyaguriro Gorilla Family is also known as the Kyaguriro A and B. Then the dominant Silverback  Rukina led this group however on 7th April 2018, this silverback lost its life as a result of lightening.

Mukiza then the inexperienced young male took over the leadership of this gorilla group however his reign was short-lived over the entire 20 members. Rukara a fully grown and experienced silverback from the Bitukura gorilla group raided the Kyaguriro Gorilla family, leading to a split of this group into Kyaguriro A that is led by Rukara, and Kyaguriro B, that is led by Mukiza. This group was split in 2016 and up to date, these families are led by separate silverbacks as mentioned earlier. Many Visitors from all over the world have been able to trek this gorilla family in Bwindi.

  1. Bitukura Gorilla Family

The Bitukura Gorilla Family are popular for their faster learning and adaptive nature thus categorized into group ‘‘A’’ type students. It requires a minimum of 03 years for a gorilla family to fully get accustomed to human presence however, the Bitukura Gorilla family was only habituated for about 15 months. This group comprises of about 15 individuals; with adult males, adult females and juveniles.

This gorilla group initially had about 24 members however, some other members of the group were recruited into the new gorilla groups. Trekking to see the Bitukura Gorilla Family in Bwindi is possible all year round and guarantees excellent gorilla trekking experiences.

Rushaga Sector

The Rushaga Gorilla sector in Bwindi is located in the southwestern part of the park, one of the most developing sectors with the highest numbers of accommodation options. Rusjhaga is characterized by rugged terrain and lush greenery, making it a great destination for nature hikes, natural walks, bird watching and gorilla trekking. There are a number of habituated mountain gorilla families in Rushaga that you will be able to trek during your gorilla trekking tour to Bwindi.

Rushaga is also the easily accessed sector from neighboring Rwanda as it only takes you about 5 hours to drive  from Rwanda’s Capital Kigali. You can fly to Rwanda and drive to Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable National Park to trek gorillas in the Rushaga region. Here are the habituated gorillas in Bwindi’s Rushaga Sector;

  1. Nshongi Gorilla Family

Before it split from the Mweza gorilla group, the Nshongi was one of the largest habituated gorilla groups in Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, with up to 18 individuals. This consisted of adult males, adult females, and juveniles. This gorilla group was named after the Nshogi River where they were first sighted.

The area near the Nshogi River where this gorilla family usually dwells is a forested area with several other forms. While here, you can also see other resident primates in the forest, birdlife, butterflies and different tree species.

  1. Mishaya Gorilla Family

The Mishaya gorilla family is also found within the Rushaga Sector of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. Despite not having a large number of members, this gorilla group is an amazing group to visit while on your gorilla trekking tour in Bwindi.

  1. Kahungye Gorilla Family

The Kahungye Gorilla family in Rushaga is a popular gorilla family with a moderate number of members. This group recently split to form the new Busingye Gorilla group. This gorilla family is popular and most visitors visiting the Rushaga Sector of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park have been able to trek it.

The Kahungye Gorilla family was first opened for visitors in 2011 and since then thousands of visitors have been able to trek this habituated gorilla family. This gorilla group derives its name from the prominent hill within Rushaga where they were first sighted. Trekking to see the Kahungye gorilla family in Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is possible all year round and requires you to book a gorilla permit for the Rushaga Gorilla Sector.

  1. Busingye Gorilla Family

This gorilla family is a splinter from the Kahungye Gorilla Family. The group split from the Kahungye gorilla family in August 2012 and since then, it has been dwelling within the Rushaga region of Bwindi. This group consisted of about 9 members and among them are the infants and sub-adults.

Trekking to see this gorilla family creates unmatched excitement as it is full of youngsters that usually exhibit unmatched energy. If you are interested in trekking to see this gorilla group, you can book your gorilla permit with the Uganda Wildlife Authority.

  1. Bweza Gorilla Family

This group just like many other groups is as a result of a split from another gorilla family. The Bweza gorilla family broke off from the Nshogi Gorilla family. This family comprises of about 7 members including adult males, adult females, and infants. You can track this gorilla family during Your Uganda Gorilla Safaris in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.

Nkuringo Sector

The Nkuringo Sector is the fourth sector in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and is renowned for its gorilla trekking tours, guided nature walks and birding adventure. This sector is situated in the southern part of the park. The most popular habituated gorilla family in this sector is the Nkuringo Gorilla Family.

Nkuringo Gorilla Family

This gorilla family is the hardest to trek in Uganda’s Bwindi and requires some considerable physical fitness level and also energy. Although this group is challenging to trek, many visitors that have trekked it have been able to successfully accomplish the trek. This group is most accessible from the neighbouring Rwanda and can be trekked all year round.

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park – How many gorilla families are available for trekking in Uganda? 

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park is a renowned safari destination for gorilla trekking safaris in Uganda. Unlike Bwindi Impenetrable National Park that inhabits many habituated gorilla families, Mgahinga Gorilla National Park only has one habituated mountain gorilla family known as the Nyakagezi gorilla family. Besides one habituated gorilla group, there are also two other gorilla groups in this park that are not habituated. This National Park is also known as a place where silver meets gold because of the presence of the golden monkey

Nyakagezi Gorilla Family

The Nyakagezi Gorilla family is the only habituated gorilla family in Mgahing Gorilla National Park. Although this group was known for its migration between to the neighbouring Virunga in Congo and Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda, this group returned to Uganda’s Mgahinga Gorilla National Park in 2012 and has stayed there since then. It is possible to trek this gorilla family while on mountain gorilla safaris in Uganda.

The Nyakagezi gorilla group in 2019 invited their neighbors the ‘‘Hirwa Group’’ from Rwanda’s volcanoes for a week long stay however, this group spent almost a month in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park before they returned to Volcanoes National Park. There are still speculations that the Hirwa group may at one point return to the park.

Embark on a remarkable gorilla trekking adventure with us and uncover the hidden wonders in Uganda’s impenetrable National Park. Book your Uganda Gorilla permit with us today and visit the habituated gorilla families in Uganda on your Uganda holiday safari tour.


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