Is there a difference between trekking in Uganda and Rwanda? – Gorilla Trekking Uganda Vs. Gorilla Trekking Rwanda – Which is better?

When planning a gorilla safari to Africa, many travelers find it difficult to choose between Uganda and Rwanda, which is the best? Many travelers therefore ask, Is there a difference between trekking in Uganda and Rwanda? Generally, the gorilla trekking experience in both Uganda and Rwanda is excellent. There are however some notable differences between these two gorilla trekking countries as discussed in this article. Gorilla trekking in Uganda is done in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. On the other hand, Rwanda has only one gorilla trekking National Park, Volcanoes National Park. While on a quest to see mountain gorillas in Africa, Uganda and Rwanda are the top two destinations to visit, however, choosing between the two is sometimes difficult. Each of the two countries has a competitive advantage over the other.

There are several factors that will influence your decision on where to trek gorillas between Uganda and Rwanda. One of the major factors is the price of the gorilla trekking permit. Rwanda gorilla permits cost about USD 1500 for foreign nonresidents, USD 500 for foreign residents, and about USD 200 for East African Nationals. When it comes to Uganda, the price of a gorilla permit is relatively lower than that of Rwanda as it costs USD 800 for foreign non-residents, USD 700 for foreign residents, and UGX 300000 for East African Residents. The other factors that will influence your choice include things like; accessibility, altitude, and the trails as discussed in this article.


Gorilla trekking in Uganda vs Gorilla trekking in Rwanda – Which is the best?


When planning a gorilla trekking safari tour, one of the factors many visitors consider before choosing where to go gorilla trekking is accessibility. Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park is more accessible compared to Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. Volcanoes National Park is located in the Northwestern part of the park, just 2 hours drive from the capital Kigali, unlike Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park in Uganda which are far from the capital and the Airport. It takes about 8 to 9 hours to reach Bwindi by road from Kampala and about 8 to 12 hours to reach Mgahinga Gorilla National Park by road. The long ground transfers in Uganda can however be avoided by booking flights from Entebbe International Airport to Kihihi Airstrip in Kisoro from where you will transfer by road to your gorilla trekking locations in Uganda.

Terrain, Altitude and Vegetation

Looking at the terrain and vegetation, Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable National Park features rugged and challenging terrain characterized by steep hills, and dense undergrowth. The Bwindi forests is also known as impenetrable because of its thick vegetation that can only be navigated by foot. Generally the trekking paths in Bwindi can be quite strenuous and muddy especially during the rainy season.

On the other hand, Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda is characterized by volcanic landscapes with a mix of dense forest cover, bamboo, and open farmlands. It is much easier to navigate through the trekking trails in the park compared to those in Bwindi.

When it comes to the altitude, Bwindi is situated at a lower altitude compared to Volcanoes National park. Its is easy to trek areas with lower altitudes since the oxygen levels in these areas is high compared to the areas with high altitude that require acclimatization.

Gorilla trekking prices between Rwanda and Uganda – Is there a difference between trekking in Uganda and Rwanda?

When planning a gorilla trekking safari, one of the things you consider is the cost of the total safari. Rwanda in general is an expensive destination to visit compared to Uganda. Rwanda gorilla permits cost about USD 1500 for foreign nonresidents, USD 500 for foreign residents, and about USD 200 for East African Nationals. When it comes to Uganda, the price of a gorilla permit is relatively lower than that of Rwanda as it costs USD 800 for foreign non-residents, USD 700 for foreign residents, and UGX 300000 for East African Residents.

On addition to the costs of gorilla trekking, Rwanda is a high-end destination with high end safari accommodation, more expensive than those in Uganda. If you are looking for an affordable destination for gorilla trekking, Uganda is therefore the best destination to visit for your gorilla trekking adventure.

Accommodation during gorilla trekking

Although both countries boast a range off safari accommodations where visitors can stay during safaris, Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park boasts high class luxury properties that will grant you a mix of adventure and luxury during your gorilla trekking tour. Accommodation properties in Uganda are also good although most of them are just mid-range accommodation facilities.

Still if you are looking for an affordable gorilla trekking destination, Uganda turns out to be the perfect destination. The high quality accommodation facilities in Volcanoes National Park attract high prices that make the final price of your gorilla trekking safari more expensive.

Availability of gorilla permits and Families to trek

Uganda offers the most gorilla trekking permits per single day 152 permits, compared to Rwanda’s 80 permits per day. If you are looking for a destination where you are guaranteed to get a gorilla trekking permit, Uganda is the perfect choice for you. Besides the normal gorilla trekking permits, there are also gorilla habituation permits that are offered to visitors in Uganda 8 permits per day.

Spending more time with the gorillas

Since mountain gorilla trekking is an exciting safari activity, you might want to spend more than just the 1 hour offered on a normal gorilla trek. Uganda offers the unique gorilla habituation experience which allows you to spend up to 4 hours with the mountain gorillas in the wild. To experience this habituation experience, you are required to book a gorilla habituation permit which costs USD 1500  per person/trek. The habituation experience allows you to join a team of researchers, ranger guides, and trackers to embark on a gorilla trek.

Other activities to do after the trek

Both Uganda and Rwanda boast a range of safari activities that you can embark on after or before your gorilla trek, however, since Uganda is much bigger than Rwanda, it has much more safari activities than Rwanda.

Book your gorilla trekking safari to Uganda or Rwanda with Acacia Safaris Limited and experience unbeatable adventures. Contact us today and start planning your journey.



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