Tipping during gorilla trekking safari holiday – Is tipping expected, and if so, how much should I tip

A gorilla trekking safari holiday is a life-changing experience, that many travelers wish to experience before they retire. When you embark on a gorilla trekking safari, it’s like stepping into a living, breathing adventure. As you eagerly check your gear and listen intently to the guide’s briefing before the trek at the visitors center, you can feel the air changed with a sense of wonder which only braces you for the yet-to-be one of the most remarkable moments of your lifetime, an encounter with the gorillas. Although this experience unfolds with excitement that starts long before you set foot in the forest, the undeniable thrill in the anticipation that blends the eagerness and curiosity about what awaits in the jungle, many travelers are curious about Tipping during gorilla trekking safari holiday and thus questions like; Is tipping expected, and if so, how much should I tip.

For the past two decades, we have been organizing gorilla safari holidays to Africa and one of the questions we have been asked frequently is about Tipping during gorilla trekking safari holiday. It is entirely understandable as many travelers do not want to do the wrong thing when it comes to showing gratitude to genuine service men and women who dedicate themselves to giving their best to ensure gorilla trekking safaris are a great success. In this article, we discuss about how to tip during a gorilla trekking safari, who to tip, and when to tip.

Is tipping expected, and if so, how much should I tip

Although some travelers have complained about the tipping culture that has been growing in Africa, it is important to know that tipping has never been a culture in Africa but rather borrowed from the West. Tipping during gorilla trekking safari holidays is expected however, it is not mandatory to tip and one is only advised to do so if they feel satisfied with the service that they have been given. Tipping during gorilla trekking safari holiday is totally acceptable and one of the ways of showing gratitude to different people who made your tour memorable.

During your gorilla trekking safari holiday, you will interact with a number of people including safari guides, local communities, Rangers, porters, hotel staff, and tour leaders among others. These people are at the forefront to ensure you have a memorable experience in Africa and as a way of showing your appreciation, it is advisable to give a little amount of money as a tip. The salaries they receive are low and just enough to keep them going and thus giving them a token of appreciation as a tip will help them improve their living conditions.  However small the amount, it can surely impact the lives of these service men and women in the tourism sphere in Africa.


Who to tip during gorilla trekking safari holidays?

By now you might be curious about who to tip and who not to tip during your gorilla trekking safari holiday. Many people play different roles in making your gorilla trekking safari holiday a memorable one, among them are the professionals including; pilots, cabin crew, managers, sales assistants, property owners, and medical workers. The front liners include; Safari guides, trackers, local communities, rangers, and porters. Professionals are usually not tipped. While tipping, consider the front-liners whose level of income is really low.

There are also a number of people who play a significant role behind the scenes like the reservationists, housekeepers, receptionists, chefs, kitchen staff, waiters, gardeners, and maintenance workers. Only give tips when you feel satisfied with the service and to the right individuals. The amount is entirely dependent on you although it is best recommended to carry loose money. If you are interested in tipping the whole team at the lodge, you can use the lodge tipping box for one communal tip to cover everyone.

How much to tip during a gorilla trekking safari tour? – Tipping during gorilla trekking safari holiday

Although you entirely decide on how much you would love to give as a token of appreciation, we recommend giving between $5 to $30 for a safari guide. This is only done if you are satisfied with their service. The tip for safari guides should be given to them in person at the end of the safari.

Although the decision on how much and who to tip rests in your hands, here is a complete guide on how to tip during a gorilla trekking safari holiday tour to Uganda or Rwanda;

Staff at the safari lodge. When you finally come to the end of your stay at a safari lodge on your gorilla tour, you may wish to show your gratitude to the staff who made your stay a memorable one. Since the staff are usually many, consider giving a communal tip that caters for all the staff. You can give between $10 to $15 at the end of your stay.

Safari Guide: During your gorilla trekking tour, you are likely to spend more time with your safari guide who is entirely responsible for making your safari tour a great success. You may want to show him or her your gratitude for the generous and excellent service offered to your during your tour. Although the amount you wish to offer as a tip entirely depends on you, we recommend giving anywhere between $10 to $30.

National Park Guide. You can also offer a token of appreciation to the park guides during your gorilla safari. Anywhere between $10 to $30 is deemed appropriate.

Tracker/Spotter. During a gorilla trekking safari, trackers play an important role in locating the mountain gorillas in the forest, ensuring that you encounter these majestic creatures in their natural habitat. After their incredible work, you may wont to show them your gratitude by offering a tip. You can tip them any amount depending on your own wish, but $15 after the trek is best recommended by many travelers and experts.

Embark on a gorilla trekking safari holiday to Africa and witness these majestic creatures in their natural habitat. Book your gorilla trekking safari holiday with Acacia Safari Limited for the best gorilla experience in Africa.

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