What is mountain gorilla habituation experience?

Are you wondering What is mountain gorilla habituation experience? How does it differ from the normal gorilla trekking? or you would love to know what to pack for your gorilla trekking safari to Africa and other details? We’ve got you covered with all the information you need to know about the mountain gorilla habituation experience in Uganda. The Gorilla habituation experience is unique and can only be done in Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.

What is mountain gorilla habituation experience? The mountain gorilla habituation experience is a unique and immersive experience that allows you to spend up to 4 hours with the endangered mountain gorillas in their natural habitat. Before mountain gorillas are opened for visitors to trek, they undergo a habituation process which is lengthy, lasting anywhere between 2 to 5 years depending on how fast they adapt. Gorilla Habituation Experience in Bwindi involves joining a group of trackers, researchers, conservationists, and ranger guides into the forest to search for wild gorillas that are being trained to be comfortable with human presence.

The mountain gorilla habituation experience is an in-depth gorilla trekking experience than the normal gorilla trekking since it grants the opportunity to spend more time with the gorillas. Unlike the normal gorilla trekking, the mountain gorilla habituation safari allows you to spend 4 hours with the gorillas. You will have enough time to learn about different gorilla behaviors, their way of life, feeding patterns, and a lot more. Just like the normal gorilla trekking safaris, Gorilla Habituation in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park starts early in the morning with a briefing. After the briefing, you join the habituation team which usually consists of researches, trackers, researchers, and conservationists for your mountain gorilla habituation experience.


What does it mean to habituated gorillas? – What is mountain gorilla habituation experience?

Although gorilla habituation has no specific definition, it can be explained as a process of gradually acclimating gorillas to human presence. The gorilla habituation process includes the gradual exposure of gorillas to humans while monitoring and observing their behavioral patterns and adaptations. It also involves training researchers and ranger guides about gorilla behaviors. The gorilla habituation experience in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is currently being done on different gorilla groups including the Bikyingi gorilla family in Rushaga. The Bikyingi gorilla group comprises 1 dominant silverback, 9 adults, and 9 infant gorillas.

The other gorilla group that you can visit for a gorilla habituation experience is the Bushasho gorilla family – also located in the Rushaga gorilla sector. This process involves a series of steps that are done day by day by the habituation team in order to make gorillas more comfortable and accustomed to human presence.

The initial visits are done by the researchers and guides. The initial visits are frequent, short, and brief, ensuring that the interactions are non-intrusive. At this stage of the Gorilla habituation process, the major aim is to introduce gorillas to human presence in a way that feels natural and non-disturbing. Over time of frequent, short, and brief visits, trust is built between the gorillas and the habituation team. The process continues until the gorillas are now fully comfortable with human presence.

During the Gorilla habituation process, the researchers and ranger guides plus the tourists get an opportunity to witness gorilla behavioral patterns and adaptations. When gorillas are fully habituated, they will be opened for the normal gorilla trekking and a group of about 8 people can visit the group daily to spend 1 full hour with them.


How does it differ from regular gorilla trekking?

Unlike the normal gorilla trekking experience, mountain gorilla habituation experience/gorilla habituation safaris are done to gorilla families that are not yet fully habituated. Only four individuals can join the Gorilla Habituation team which consists of researchers, ranger guides, trackers, and conservationists for a mountain gorilla habituation experience.

Unlike the normal mountain gorilla trekking experience, the Gorilla Habituation Experience in Uganda grants travelers more time with mountain gorillas. While on a mountain gorilla habituation safari, travelers get to enjoy up to 4 hours with the endangered mountain gorillas in the wild. Since the gorilla group you are trekking during the habituation experience in Bwindi is not yet fully accustomed to human presence, you will get first-hand experience of how they go about their day – from the time they wake up to the time they build their nest where they will be spending their night.

The other difference between the mountain gorilla habituation experience from the normal gorilla trekking experience is in terms of permit prices. The Gorilla Habituation Permit in Uganda costs about $1500 while the normal gorilla permit costs $800 for non-foreign residents. For foreign residents living in Uganda with working permits, the Gorilla Habituation Permit costs $1000.

How does mountain gorilla habituation experience differ from regular gorilla trekking? Gorilla Habituation experience takes more hours, costs about $1500 per permit and can be done by only 4 members per group. Despite the experience being more expensive and lengthy, it is a great way to get an in-depth experience of the endangered mountain gorillas during your gorilla trekking safari tour in Africa.

Gorilla trekking Vs. Gorilla Habituation – Gorilla trekking in Rwanda or Gorilla Habituation in Uganda

The Dian Fossey Groundbreaking research brought the plight of mountain gorillas to the world, many travelers from all over the world have visited Africa with a sole objective of seeing these endangered gorillas in their natural habitat. Most travelers have enjoyed this remarkable wildlife encounter with the gorillas in the wild – given a full hour to observe the mountain gorillas. Although the one hour allocated on a normal gorilla trek promises a superb gorilla trekking experience, many travelers desire to spend more time with the gorillas in the wild – for an opportunity to even know them better.

The mountain gorilla habituation experience thus answers travelers’ wish to spend more hours with these majestic creatures in the wild. The mountain gorilla habituation experience allows visitors to spend up to 4 hours with the endangered mountain gorilla in the wild. This experience allows you to join a team of researchers, trackers, conservationists, and ranger guides to embark on a gorilla trek in the bush. The gorilla habituation experience offers a more intimate experience with the gorillas as it only involves a few trekking members (4 members) compared to the normal gorilla trekking where the members are more (8 members).

Regardless of whether you choose between gorilla trekking in Rwanda or Gorilla Habituation in Uganda, you are guaranteed top safari experiences. Both gorilla trekking tours and mountain gorilla habituation safaris offer remarkable experiences in the wild.

How much is a gorilla habituation permit? – Habituation permit Availability

Unlike the normal gorilla trekking permits, there are not many Uganda gorilla habituation permits issued per day. How many gorilla habituation permits are available? On a daily basis, only 8 mountain gorilla habituation permits are issued by the Uganda Wildlife Authority. Since only four members can visit the gorilla group under a habituation process, the 8 available mountain gorilla habituation permits means there are only two groups being habituated at the moment.

How much is a gorilla habituation permit? The mountain gorilla habituation permit in Uganda costs $1500 for foreign non-residents and about $1000 for foreign residents in Uganda with working permits. If you are interested in going on a gorilla habituation safari in Uganda, we recommend booking a gorilla habituation permit well in advance since they sell out easily – especially during the high/peak seasons.

The permit price includes the park entrance fee, guiding fees, and all applicable government taxes. It is therefore important to know that the mountain gorilla habituation permit does not cover other safari costs like transportation, meals, and accommodation. Contact us and we help you customize your gorilla habituation safari to Africa to best fit your preference.

Where to go for Gorilla habituation experience?

Having discussed about the Gorilla Habituation experience, surely you must be wondering where this life-changing adventure unfolds. The mountain gorilla habituation experience is only available in Uganda. Gorilla Habituation safaris are done in Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in the southwestern part of the country. Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is home to more than half of the remaining mountain gorilla population with a number of gorilla groups that have not yet been fully habituated.

Currently, there are two gorilla families that are being habituated in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. These two gorilla groups include the Bikyingi gorilla family and the Bushasho gorilla family all located in the Rushaga Gorilla sector of the National Park.


Gorilla Habituation Review & Testimonies from our clients

Me and my friend embarked on a gorilla habituation experience in Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. Our journey was nothing short of transformative for me and my friend Kyle. Although personally i began this journey with a sense of anticipation imagining how the encounter would be, we navigated the lush, verdant Bwindi – witnessing a world teeming with life and mystery. We ware allocated to the Bikyingi gorilla family, one of the gorilla families in Rushaga Sector.

Trekking deeper into the forest saw the air grow cooler and more fragrant with the scent of damp earth and dense foliage allover. While trekking through the forest, i often looked up as I was attracted by the singing birds but guess what? I witnessed a canopy which filtered the sunlight into a soft, dappled glow, creating an otherworldly atmosphere that I can not dare to forget whenever i think of Africa. Our team included skilled guides, trackers, and other individuals that I couldn’t identify. The knowledgeable guides led us with a blend of expertise and respect for the wildlife, ensuring that we approached the gorillas with the utmost sensitivity! I was really amazed!

We finally located the Bikyingi gorilla family and the experience was surreal. There they were – majestic and serene, feeding in the forest with a grace that belied their immense size. We enjoyed  watching them interact, play, and groom their young ones – the experience was profoundly moving. We observed the silverback, the formidable leader, strategically watching over all the other family members. Just like I expected, playful young ones tumbled – their innocent curiosity and boundless energy a stark contrast to the calm demeanor of the adults. We almost spent the whole day with these primates in the wild. As our day was coming to a close, the ranger guide led us back to visitors center.

If in the near future i get another opportunity to go to Uganda, I will definitely do gorilla habituation in Bwindi. This activity offers a 5-star experience.

Find out more about past travelers’ Gorilla Habituation experience here…

Are you planning to visit Uganda or Rwanda for a gorilla trekking safari tour holiday, book your safari with us and experience an unbeatable gorilla trekking experience, paired with top other safari activities and comfort on your tour.


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