What should I do if I feel unwell on the day of the trek? – General gorilla trekking Health guidelines

What should I do if I feel unwell on the day of the trek? Falling sick at home is bad enough, but catching illness after traveling several miles away from home for a gorilla trekking safari tour in Africa would really be unfair – but yes it can happen. Many travelers therefore ask ‘‘What should I do if I feel unwell on the day of the trek?’’ Trekking to see mountain gorillas in the wild requires you to be in a good state, physically, mentally, and health-wise.  It is usually best recommended to embark on a gorilla trekking safari while in good spirit and health and most travelers to Africa for gorilla trekking prepare for this adventure well in advance. However, it is important to remember that we entirely can’t tell when we can fall sick, and therefore it is important to take precautions.

When traveling to for gorilla trekking, it is important to follow the General gorilla trekking Health guidelines that are usually issued to travelers before they embark on the trek in the forest. These guidelines and rules are meant to protect both gorillas and trekkers. This has therefore attracted travelers’ attention thus a rise of questions like; What should I do if I feel unwell on the day of the trek? In case you are not feeling well on the day of gorilla trekking, inform your guide and seek medical attention.

Forego gorilla trekking if you have communicable diseases like flue or cough. It is important to keep in mind that mountain gorillas share up to 97% DNA with humans and are susceptible to human diseases. What should I do if I feel unwell on the day of the trek? Please forego gorilla trekking if you feel unwell on the day of the trek.

What to do if you feel unwell on the day of gorilla trekking – What to do if you get sick on a gorilla trekking safari

Gorilla trekking is a physically demanding adventure that offers the rare opportunity to observe these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat. However, if you feel unwell on the day of your gorilla trek, it’s crucial to address your condition thoughtfully in order to make sure that both you and the gorillas are safe. When you get sick on the day of your gorilla trek, here are the best things to do;

Inform your safari guide

Inform your safari guide as soon as possible so that they can they can know about your health status and make any necessary adjustments. Unfortunately, if you feel unwell on the day of your gorilla trekking tour and you skip this adventure, you will not be refunded. Although this may be a tough decision, it is important to put your life first and to treat it as the priority. What should I do if I feel unwell on the day of the trek? Inform your safari guide about your health status, examine the symptoms, seek medical attention, and skip the trek.

Consider postponing or Skipping the trek – What should I do if I feel unwell on the day of the trek? 

If you wake up on your safari lodge feeling unwell on the day of gorilla trekking, it is best recommended to postpone or skip your gorilla trekking. Although this may seem unfair having traveled miles for this experience, it is worth cancellation at this point in order to protect both you and these gentle giants. Mountain gorillas share DNA with humans and can easily catch human diseases – especially communicable ones like flue (running nose) or Cough.

It is also important to keep in mind that mountain gorilla trekking is a physically demanding experience. The activity entails navigating rugged terrains which can exacerbate illness and potentially pose risk to the trekker and the gorillas. By skipping or postponing your trek, you are also adhering to some of the set health guidelines for mountain gorilla trekking and thus contributing to their conservation.

Consult a Healthcare Professional

In case you are unsure about your condition, we recommend seeking advice from a healthcare professional. Your safari guide will help you locate a healthcare professional who will then examine your condition. In case the symptoms are manageable say by medication and rest, abide by the healthcare professional instructions so that you can quickly get back to your feet to embark on other adventures. Some symptoms may however require immediate attention and the professional will thoroughly examine them.

Consider treatment options

Some illnesses like the flu need to take their course – letting it run while having enough rest and staying hydrated. Acquire some medication too for quick relief and recovery during the course of the illness. The flulike and gastrointestinal problems are the most common and in most cases, they act as indicators of more serious ailments.


General gorilla trekking health guidelines

If you are planning to go gorilla trekking/gorilla tracking in Uganda or Rwanda, one of the must know and respect are the set gorilla trekking rules and guidelines. These rules are put in place to protect gorillas, their habitat, and the trekkers. There are a number of health guidelines and rules for mountain gorilla trekking in both Uganda and Rwanda that you must adhere too while on safari. Here are the general health rules and guideline for trekking mountain gorillas in Uganda and Rwanda;

Maintain a safe Distance

While trekking mountain gorillas, it is always recommended to keep a safe distance of about 7 meters from the animals. Maintaining this distance helps to protect gorillas from catching human diseases, and to protect you from any kind of attack in case they get irritated. This distance also helps to reduce disturbance allowing gorillas to live in a normal way.

It is however important to remember that mountain gorillas are wild animals and they may not observe this distance. Occasionally, they may move much closer to your group, and at all times you are advised to follow the ranger guides instructions to stay safe. Incase gorillas come closer to you, do not get tempted to touch or feed them.

Health Check for visitors

Before you embark on a gorilla trekking adventure in the jungle, your health is really important. In case you feel unwell in the morning, you will be examined at the visitors center to examin your situation and to see if adjustments can be made for you to trek the gorillas. depending on the type of ailment that you are suffering from, you will be advised on the way forward. Incase the ailment isn’t contagious and can allow you to trek, you will then joing your group for this life changing mountain gorilla trekking adventure.

Hygiene Practice

When embarking on a gorilla trekking adventure, it is best recommended to maintain hygiene. Before embarking on your gorilla trekking tour, ensure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. In case you do not have soap, you can also use a hand sanitizer if available.

It is also recommended not recommended to avoid eating and drinking in the presence of mountain gorillas. It is always advised to eat before and after the trek.

Coughing and sneezing Etiquette

Generally, people with a runing nose (flu) and cough are advised not to embark on a gorilla trek. In case you happen to feel like sneezing or coughing while with the gorillas, it is advised to cover your mouth and nose and look aside. If you are using a tissue to sneeze, you are recommended to carry it with you back to the visitors center.

Book your gorilla trekking safari tour with Acacia Safaris Limited and experience unbeatable adventures in Africa.

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