18 Days Best of Uganda Safari

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18 Days Best of Uganda Safari to the Most Visited Uganda National Parks

18 Days Best of Uganda Safari the most selling Uganda wildlife safari tour package takes you around Uganda through Mountain Elgon national park where you experience a hike to the Sipi Falls, adventure the Source of the Nile in Jinja where white water rafting is done, Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary for white Rhino tracking, Murchison Falls National Park to adventure the Marvelous Murchison falls, Semuliki National Park for Sempaya Hotsprings, Queen Elizabeth National park, Bwindi Impenetrable National park for mountain gorilla trekking, Lake Bunyonyi, Lake Mburo National park, Ssese islands and city tour of Kampala.

In Jinja, the Nile starts its course/journey crossing four countries including Uganda, South Sudan, North Sudan, and Egypt and later it pours its waters into the Mediterranean Sea. Other attractions in Jinja include the looming water sports such as the white water rafting on the Nile falls/ rapids, kayaking, boat cruises on the Nile, bungee jumping, city walks, Cultural performances, and so many things to gaze at such as the beautiful African crafts that are almost sold everywhere in the town.

Mount Elgon National Park is Uganda Mountain Hiking Tour and Safari Destination located in Eastern Uganda bordering between Uganda and Kenya. Uganda Mountain Hiking Trips, where to go for Mountain Hiking Tour in Uganda.

Mount Elgon is an extinct volcanic mountain with the largest surface area in the world (50km by 80km) and a caldera with a diameter of about 8 km. The highest peak is Wagagai, 4.321 m. It lies at the border with Kenya. The National Park is 1.145 km in extension.

The local people, Bagisu used to call the mount “Masaba”, while “Elgon” is named after the Anglicisation of the Maasai “El Kony”. The best time to visit Mount Elgon is May and September, November, and December.

Murchison Falls National Park the best Uganda wildlife safari destination became one of Uganda’s first national parks in 1952. At these falls, the Nile squeezes through an 8m wide gorge and plunges with a thunderous roar into the Devil’s Cauldron creating a beautiful rainbow.

The park is home to over 76 species of mammals and about 451 bird species. A fun fact about this park is that in 1951, a film called “The African Queen” was created within Murchison Falls National Park.

Semuliki national park was created as a Forest reserve in 1932 and was later given national park status in 1993. It is a true lowland tropical forest with over 441 bird species and 53 mammals. Four different ethnic groups live near the park giving you a variety of tourist attractions making it an ideal safari destination.

Queen Elizabeth national park the most visited Uganda wildlife safari destination is the second oldest and largest national park in Uganda, it was established in 1952. This Park was initially known as Kazinga national park but was later renamed in commemoration of Queen Elizabeth II and hosts over 95 species of mammals as well as over 619 bird species. This park lies within the western rift valley.

You will then go to the beautiful Bwindi Impenetrable national park. This park was designated as a national park in 1991 and in 1994 and was listed as a UNESCO world heritage site because of its ecological importance.

Bwindi Impenetrable national park is famous for Gorilla trekking that is carried out within the forest. This Forest inhabits more than half the world’s population of Mountain Gorillas. The encounter with these magnificent primates is worthwhile

Lake Bunyonyi is a special lake because of the fact that it was formed as a result of Lava damning and is Africa’s second deepest lake as well as the home to over 200 bird species. The waters are calm and the experience is relaxing. This Safari is indeed the vacation as well as the adventure that you need.

Lake Mburo national park will be your next Destination after Lake Bunyonyi for Uganda wildlife safari adventure. Lake Mburo national park was originally gazetted in 1933 as a controlled hunting area and upgraded to a game reserve in 1963. The natives continued to graze their cattle within the reserve until 1983 when it became a national park.

This park is known for its exciting Quad bike and horseback riding adventures through the park. In addition, the park is home to several animals including; antelopes, Zebras, Giraffes, Leopards, and many other animals as well as birds.

Imagine a vacation on Ssese Island that many people call the most beautiful in Uganda. Pearl Gardens Beach Hotel combines great romantic ambiance, gracious lifestyle, in-comparable recreational facilities, and superlative service to create a unique tropical island holiday experience.

The hotel comprises luxury rooms suited to the waterfront with a breathtaking view of Lake Victoria. We offer the discerning traveler the unique opportunity to experience an unforgettable stay at one of Uganda`s prime destinations.

Safari Highlights

  • Day 1 Arrival at Entebbe International Airport and Kampala City tour
  • Day 2 – Transfer from Kampala to Jinja – The Source of the River Nile adventure. Transfer to Mbale
  • Day 3 – Hike to Sipi Falls and in the afternoon return to Jinja City for Overnight
  • Day 4 – Transfer from Jinja city to Rhinos of Ziwa sanctuary for white Rhino tracking. ( either sleep in Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary or Choose to sleep in Masindi)
  • Day 5 – Proceed to Murchison Falls National Park in the morning from Masindi
  • Day 6 – Full day adventure in Murchison Falls national park involving boat cruise on the Victoria Nile
  • Day 7 – Transfer from Murchison Falls national park to Fort Portal at the foothill of the Mountains of the Moon
  • Day 8 – Take on an adventure to Sempaya Hot Springs in Semuliki National Park
  • Day 9 – Transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park for a wildlife safari tour in the Oldest Uganda national park
  • Day 10 – Go Chimpanzee tracking in the Kyambura Gorge
  • Day 11 – Have an exciting game drive in the Ishasha sector to sight Tree-Climbing Lions in Queen Elizabeth national park, then stretch to Bwindi Impenetrable national park
  • Day 12 – Full day encounter with mountains gorillas in the Bwindi Impenetrable forest, in the evening, drive to Lake Bunyonyi for relaxation
  • Day 13 – The wonderful adventure at Lake Bunyonyi involving a boat cruise and bird watching at the lake
  • Day 14 – Transfer from Lake Bunyonyi to Lake Mburo National Park for another wildlife tour
  • Day 15 – Drive from Lake Mburo National park to Masaka or Entebbe to Board a boat to Ssese Islands on Lake Victoria
  • Day 16 – Go for another great adventure to the Ssese Islands of Lake Victoria after a long tiring drive and gorilla trekking
  • Day 17 – The Ssese Islands tour including the Ecological Nature walk and Bugala Village tour
  • Day 18 – Kampala City Tour

18 Days Best of Uganda Safari to the Most Visited Uganda National Park: Safari Day by Day

  • Day 1 of the 18 Days Best of Uganda Safari: On arrival at Entebbe International Airport,

our representative will meet, greet, and transfer you to your Hotel in Kampala for the overnight.

  • Day 2 of the 18 Days Best of Uganda Safari – The Source of the River Nile

Transfer to Mbale, east of Uganda driving through Jinja, the second largest town in Uganda. It is characterized by the Asian quarters, the brewery industries, and the colorful gardens.

Visit the Source of the Nile on Lake Victoria, the monument of Gandhi, and then proceed to the spectacular Itanda Falls on the river Nile a few kilometers from the source. Optional: try the unforgettable emotion of white water rafting, which is one of the main attractions in Jinja. Lunch at Itanda, where local food is served. In the afternoon drive to Mbale for dinner and overnight.

  • Day 3 of the 18 Days Best of Uganda Safari – The Sipi Fall
Uganda Wildlife Safari Tour

Uganda Wildlife Safari Tour

The activities for this day start with the nature walk to the spectacular waterfalls on the river Sipi, which originates from Mount Elgon. The starting point is at Crow’s Nest, a camping and lodging site.

You will see the caves, plantations of coffee, matooke, and sugarcane plantations along the way. We ensure that you have packed lunch for the day. Return to Jinja in the afternoon. Dinner and overnight.

  • Day 4 of the 18 Days Best of Uganda Safari – The Rhinos of Ziwa sanctuary

Leave Jinja early in the morning for Masindi via Kampala. You will stop at Ziwa Rhino sanctuary where you will enjoy a nature walk to see rhinos in the wild.

The journey is long but enjoyable as you go through the green countryside with typical Ugandan villages and farms. Dinner and overnight.

  • Day 5 of the 18 Days Best of Uganda Safari – The Murchison Falls National Park

After a relaxed breakfast, proceed to Murchison Falls National Park, the largest protected area in Uganda, named after the famous falls on the Nile. Lunch and enjoy an afternoon game drive through the northern part of the park where you will be able to spot elephants, lions, cape buffalos, Rothschild’s giraffes, hartebeests, waterbucks, oribi, bushbucks, spotted hyenas, and if you are lucky, leopards. Dinner and overnight.

  • Day 6 of the 18 Days Best of Uganda Safari – The boat cruise on the River Nile

You start with an early morning game drive in the park. Return to the lodge for breakfast. Relax at the swimming poolside. After lunch, you will safari upstream by boat to the calm Victoria Nile, and the base of the falls just ten meters from the Devils Cauldron.

There you can marvel at toothsome hippos, crocodiles and over the 17-kilometer stretch, you may also see elephants, waterbucks, and Uganda Kobs.

This is also the habitat of many bird species including goliath herons, Egyptian geese, pelicans, bee-eaters, kingfishers, Hombills, cormorants, and the rare shoebill stork. The boat leaves you near the falls and you will hike to the top.

It is an exciting experience that brings you very close to the rushing whitewater as it squeezes itself through the narrow crevice below. Relax a bit at the top where you can enjoy the Niles beauty.

The ground can be felt trembling from the 43-meter drop of the falls and the resulting mist from the turbulence often produces rainbows. Your guide will be waiting for you here.

  • Day 7 of the 18 Days Best of Uganda Safari – Fort Portal at the foothill of the Mountains of the Moon

Since it’s a long-distance between MFNP and Fort portal, you will have an early breakfast and leave the park heading Southwest via the Albertine Escarpment of the Western Rift Valley.

Drive through Hoima, the capital of the Bunyoro kingdom, passing through the verdant countryside, tea plantations, and traditional homesteads. You arrive in the colorful and pretty town of Fort Portal, the capital of the Tooro kingdom, in the shadow of the fabled Mountains of the Moon (Rwenzori). Dinner and overnight.

  • Day 8 of the 18 Days Best of Uganda Wildlife Safari – The Semliki Hot Springs

Today we visit the magical Semliki National Park for a game drive and visit the male and female hot springs. Have lunch and visit the Kasenda Crater Lakes, which dominate all the areas with incredible panoramic views. Return for dinner and overnight.

  • Day 9 of the 18 Days Best of Uganda Safari: Queen Elizabeth National Park
Uganda Wildlife Safari Tour

Queen Elizabeth national park

Transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park following the mystical Rwenzori Mountain Range most of the journey arriving in time for lunch.

After lunch, enjoy the unique two-hour boat cruise on the Kazinga Channel. This trip goes through possibly the highest concentration of animals and birds as they may be seen drinking at the water’s edge.

This launch cruise offers an excellent platform for photography, bird watching, and game viewing. The prolific bird life is colorful and stupendous with well over 550 resident species. You will then take a ride through the fascinating Crater Lake region. Dinner and overnight.

  • Day 10 of the 18 Days Best of Uganda Safari: The Kyambura Chimp Trekking

After a cup of coffee embark on an early morning game drive along Kasenyi tracks and Queen’s mile in the park and expect to see lions, elephants, cape buffalos, warthogs, spotted hyenas, mongooses, waterbucks, kobs, the leopard if lucky, plus a lot of small animals and birds.

Drive back to the lodge for lunch. After lunch, drive to Kyambura gorge for a forest walk in search of the habituated chimpanzees and other primates. This gorge is 16 km long on the Rift Valley and 100 meters deep. The Rangers will provide you with a walking stick for this trekking. Dinner and overnight.

  • Day 11 of the 18 Days Best of Uganda Safari: Climbing Lions of Ishasha.

With your packed lunch drive to the Ishasha sector of the park for a game drive in search of the rare tree-climbing, lions found only in this part of Uganda. The landscape is open savannah with acacia trees. Proceed to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park for dinner and overnight.

  • Day 12 of the 18 Days Best of Uganda Wildlife Safari -The encounter with mountains gorillas

After the briefing from the rangers, set off for the mountain gorilla tracking inside the Bwindi forest. This would be the highlight of your tour. You need to carry drinking water, packed lunch, a rain jacket, and jungle boots while the rangers will provide you with a walking stick.

Gorilla tracking is one of the unique activities you will enjoy. Photograph and observe the gorillas in their natural habitat. After tracking, leave for Kabale through the beautiful, rolling hills and terraced landscape. This region is referred to as the “Switzerland of Africa. Dinner and overnight.

  • Day 13 of the 18 Days Best of Uganda Safari:  The wonderful Lake Bunyonyi 
Uganda Wildlife Safari Tour

Uganda Wildlife Safari Tour

Today we start with a boat ride on the lake, around the various islands for bird viewing and sightseeing. Visit the Bakiga Museum. Lunch.

After lunch, depart for Lake Mburo National Park, the smallest in size but fascinating. Dinner and overnight at Mihingo Lodge / Arcadia cottages(C) or Agip Motel (B) in Mbarara. FB

  • Day 14 of the 18 Days Best of Uganda Safari – Lake Mburo National Park 

Morning game drive in search of the beautiful impalas, zebras, cape buffalos, elands, oribi, and topi. Along with the game drive, many visitors also enjoy a boat trip on Lake Mburo. The park is a very good opportunity for bird watchers, who will enjoy more than 250 species of birds found here. Return to Kampala for dinner and overnight.

  • Day 15 of the 18 Days Best of Uganda Safari –Go for another great adventure to the Ssese Islands of Lake Victoria after a long tiring drive and gorilla trekking

Depending on your flight schedule, you may spend the day at leisure shopping for souvenirs or city tours for cultural, historical, or religious sites. With your unique experience and great memories, you may now say goodbye to the Pearl of Africa and transfer to the airport for your flight. Extension:

  • Day 16 of the 18 Days Best of Uganda Safari – The Ssese Islands of Lake Victoria

After breakfast, drive to Entebbe to board the ferry boat which will take you to Ssese Islands, an archipelago of 84 islands on Lake Victoria. Meantime you can visit the wonders of the botanical garden in Entebbe.

After lunch enjoys the navigation on the lake, which looks like an immense and peaceful sea. You reach the beautiful bay of Lutoboka, in Bugala Island, for dinner and overnight at Pearl Gardens resort, with a magic location on the beach.

  • Day 17 of the 18 Days Best of Uganda Safari – The Ssese Islands tour including the Ecological Nature walk and Bugala Village tour

You will journey through the Ssese Islands and enjoy the beauty of the lake and forested islands. You will explore three islands, a fishing village, settlement island. Return to your Hotel relax by the beachside while swimming and sunbathing. Dinner and overnight.

Early breakfast before going for a relaxing ecological nature walk in the uncontaminated forest on the islands with the services of our guide who will tell you all you need to know about the forest. Return for lunch and relax.

Evening village tour on a motorbike and you will visit the mail and traditional fishing village on Bugala Islands, a palm tree farm, and the pineapple farm. Dinner and overnight as above.

  • Day 18 of the 18 days Uganda wildlife safari – Kampala City Tour

After breakfast board the ferry boat and return to Entebbe. Spend the afternoon at leisure or craft and souvenir shopping.Transfer to Entebbe International Airport for your flight.

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Essential Trip Information

Want an in-depth insight into Acacia Safaris East Africa Safari Holidays, Adventures and Gorilla trekking Experience? Our essential safari Information provides visa information, How to get to Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, and Tanzania, the Best Time to East Africa – pretty much everything you need to know about our safari holidays and more.

Let’s Plan your East Africa custom-made safaris tour holidays to the best-selling safari destinations. Get in touch with Acacia safaris experts, and One of our Safari Experts will get back to you within 1 – 2 hours.
